Public Awareness


Protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, our neighbors and our contractors is good business practice and ensures the sustainability of our society.

At HEP we adhere to comprehensive environmental, health and safety standards and stringent government regulations. We also believe in building strong relationships with our customers and the landowners with whom we do business. We are dedicated to working closely with our neighbors to minimize the impact of our operations on the surrounding communities to include its people, buildings, fences, crops, water supplies, wildlife, soil, air quality, and noise levels. We proactively work to reduce our environmental footprint and restore the land as soon as construction is complete and the weather permits. We operate responsibly and are committed to leaving a project site better than we found it because it is the right thing to do


Public safety and education are important to us. Written agreements between landowners and pipeline companies allow pipeline and utility companies to construct and maintain pipeline rights-of-way across public and privately owned property. Your property may be one of the many in your community which contains an underground pipeline easement.

To determine if a pipeline runs through your property, we encourage you to check for pipeline markers posted on your property or in your neighborhood and check the National Pipeline Mapping System. For your safety, markers have been installed along the pipeline route to indicate the approximate location and provide vital emergency information. Take time to familiarize yourself with pipeline markers and write down the names and phone numbers of pipeline companies or operators listed on the markers in case of emergency.
Please review the 811 Pipeline Safety brochure for more information and resources on pipeline safety.

Common Questions

A right-of-way is a strip of land that contains the pipeline or facility and clear access area on either side for inspection and maintenance, as well as an unobstructed view for ongoing aerial surveillance. Generally, a pipeline right-of-way is 75 to 100 feet wide during construction. Permanent rights-of-way are usually 50 feet wide.

An easement is a right to make use of another person’s property. If we are considering building a pipeline or a related facility on or adjacent to your property, we will reach out to you early in the process as we study the route and assess its environmental impact. We may ask you for an easement or an option to purchase some of your property to establish rights-of-way for construction and operation of a pipeline or other facilities.

Although not common, we do encourage you to understand the signs of a possible pipeline leak and how to respond:
Sight: A pool of liquid on the ground near a pipeline, a dense white cloud or fog over a pipeline, or discolored vegetation surrounding the pipeline may be signs of a possible leak.
Sound: An unusual noise coming from the pipeline, like a hissing or roaring sound, may be a possible sign of a leak.
Smell: An unusual smell will accompany a pipeline leak.

Leave the area immediately; warn others.
Do not touch, breathe, or make contact with the leaking liquids or gases.
Do not attempt to stop the leak by operating pipeline equipment.
Do not light a match, start an engine, use a telephone, switch on/ off light switches, or do anything that might create a spark.
From a safe distance, call 911 or your local emergency response number and the pipeline company.
Do not drive a vehicle into a leak or vapor cloud area.
Warn others.


Accidental “dig-ins” by property owners or contractors make up the majority of pipeline accidents. Dig-ins are preventable only if owners or excavators contact pipeline companies BEFORE they attempt to dig. A pipeline marker will not necessarily indicate the exact location or direction of a pipeline.
You can help maintain the integrity of the pipeline system and prevent accidents by using the nationwide Call Before You Dig service, available by calling 811. Anyone who will be digging or excavating using mechanized equipment — commercial contractors, road maintenance crews, telephone pole installers, fence builders, landscape companies or homeowners who may be digging a drainage ditch, installing a fence or building an addition — can make one telephone call to give notice of their plans to dig in a specific area.
The 811 center then acts as a clearinghouse to inform the owners and operators of underground facilities so that they can go out and mark their facilities, usually within 48 or 72 hours. For more information about the Call-Before-You-Dig program, visit:

Through our public awareness program, we educate on safe-digging practices to help protect the public, our employees and contractors, and the environment. Some general guidelines include:
Please review the HEP General Guidelines for Third-Party Construction, Maintenance Work and Crossing brochure for more information. For additional questions or for more information, please reach out to

April 2021 (English and Spanish PDFs – NEED TO PULL THESE FROM CURRENT SITE)
Excavation-Safety_Crossing-Guidelines_2022.pdf (
Excavation-Safety_Crossing-Guidelines_Spanish_2022.pdf (


Protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, the community and our contractors is one of the most important jobs we have at HEP. There are several organizations and resources dedicated to promoting and educating on pipeline and utility damage prevention and safety.
Department of Transportation:
811 Call Before you Dig:
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration:
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA):
Office of Pipeline Safety:
Oklahoma Corporation Commission:
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission:
Texas Railroad Commission:
New Mexico Public Regulation: